Miss' Sponsorship Page

We have taken in 7 cats from a fellow cat lover and friend of Cat Rangers. We’d like you to know about Jeanne.


Jeanne, a dedicated teacher for many years, is also a lover of cats. She consistently rescued and s/n her local cats and kittens all her life and personally adopted the ones that needed more medical care or socializing. Last year she was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, which is a terminal respiratory disease. She has been given only a few months to live. She has asked Catrangers to accept and find new homes for her precious fur babies. She has done so much for her community and the many cats and kittens she has saved, we could not say no. We are overflowing with kitties, but we know you will help us find these precious cats their wonderful new homes. 


We are still learning about Miss's personality.

Miss' Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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Recurring Sponsorship
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